Almost half of all adults snore when they sleep, with older adults being more prone to snoring than younger adults. Normally snoring isn’t anything to be worried about, but it can be irritating for others who may be kept up by your snoring. Normally if you or another person is concerned about your snoring you may attend an appointment with your doctor. However, surprisingly your dentist may also be able to help you, by making an appointment with your local Milton Keynes dentists you can not only ensure the health of your teeth but you may also reduce your snoring a the same time
What Causes Snoring?
Snoring is caused by the muscles in your throat relaxing, causing them to narrow and contract. As air passes through the surrounding tissues they vibrate, causing noise which is associated with the noise we hear from snoring.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
In severe cases of snoring, the individual may be affected by a condition known as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). This condition can cause your airways to narrow or even completely collapse when you are asleep. You can even be prevented from breathing for a short amount of time, this is usually around 10 seconds but it can vary. This may cause you to suddenly awaken gasping for air or feeling breathless. This condition normally does not wake the individual enough for them to remember waking up in the first place, decreasing the chances of the individual remembering such an occurrence. Meaning that people are less likely to know they have this condition and seek out help. Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) can occur several hundred times a night, which may cause the individual to awaken feeling tired the next day.
How Can A Dentist Help?
If you or another person is impacted by your snoring you should mention it to your dentist who will be able to signpost you to their colleague specialising in orthodontics in Milton Keynes at your next appointment. From this, the dentist will ask you questions about your snoring and examine your mouth for potential reasons why you are snoring. Dentists are unable to diagnose obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) but they can help spot signs of the condition and signpost you to a doctor who will be able to diagnose your condition and help you manage it. Whilst you are waiting for a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) or if you suffer from simple snoring, you can get a range of anti-snoring appliances to reduce the volume and frequency of snoring.
Snoring Appliances
Snoring appliances help keep your airways open, they open the back of your throat and cause the tongue and jaw to sit further back than they normally would. Due to the fact that the muscles within your throat are not as constricted when using a snoring appliance the individual will be impacted by snoring to a lesser degree. Your dentist may be able to offer you a custom-made snoring appliance, which is specifically designed to accommodate your mouth and teeth, ensuring maximum comfort and functionality. You can also find anti-snoring devices online, but these are often less effective than ones that are specifically designed for you.
Snoring can have a significant impact, not only on the individual who is snoring but on others who sleep in close proximity. Ensuring that you explore different options with various help professionals including a dentist can help you reduce the impact of your snoring is having on yourself and others.